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Termux basics - Everything you know before start hacking.

Published: at 03:10 AM

Termux: linux emulator for android is a best ever thing to use as a pocket linux. The limits of exploring the acheivements with termux is far till eternity. In this post i’m going to demonstrate about the Basics of termux so without delay let’s get started.

apt update -  To update list of upgradable packages of termux.

apt upgrade -  To upgrade all packages of termux.

ls -  list all files and directories/folders in current working directory

mkdir dirname -  creating directory/folder with dirname.

apt install [package name] -  installation of a package.

apt remove [package name]  -  Removing the package.

clear -  clear the terminal screen.

cd ~ -  changing the directory to home directory.

exit -  For exiting termux.